Our Policy Council Members are comprised of volunteers from our parents and members of our communities. They’re a vital part of our program by providing insight to the agency, including voting approval on various items. They serve as a representative of their respective areas and bring information from our parents to the administration and deliver information back to our parents. They serve one-year terms at a time and can serve up to five total terms. New members are to be elected annually and attend meetings with the agency administration approximately every other month.
2024-2025 Policy Council Members
Calhoun/Dallas/Ouachita Counties
La’Toddra Thomas Fordyce | Vacant |
Columbia County
Vacant |
Hempstead/Lafayette/Nevada Counties
Emily Leyva Hope | Stormy Rose Hope |
Union County
Mykelle Walker, Chair West Woods | Vacant | Vacant |
Early Head Start
T’Revah Brown Morning Star | Haleigh Manning Morning Star | Vacant |
Vacant |
Community Representatives
Vacant | Vacant | Vacant |
Officers and Committee Representatives are TBD