Parent Handbook
This parent handbook was designed to provide families basic knowledge, policies, procedures, and other significant information associated with their child’s preschool experience.
This handbook further addresses parental rights, responsibilities, and opportunities.
ABC Parent Handbook
The ABC Preschool Progam has a few differences from the Head Start and Early Head Start Book
Resource Guide
This resource guide was designed to provide our families access to agencies throughout the state which offers various types of assistance and information. Names and hotline numbers are listed for statewide agencies, along with the names and telephone numbers for agencies in Calhoun, Dallas, Ouachita, Union, Hempstead, Nevada, and Lafayette Counties.
Parents’ Rights
By law, FACT must protect the privacy of your child’s Personally Identifiable Information. Information that could be used to identify your child (known as “Personally Identifiable Information” or “PII”) includes your child’s name, name of a child’s family member, street address of the child, social security number, or other information that is linked or linkable to the child. Our complete policy on privacy rights is below.